Sunday, June 10, 2012

Knowing Megan More... Round 2 (WHY SURINAME)

Q: How did the idea of traveling overseas to teach begin?
A: I have always wanted to travel and live abroad. Teaching is my means. :)

Q: When/Where did you first learn of NICS?
A: 2006: Nearing college graduation and NICS came to our education job fair.

Q: What is NICS?
A: It is the Network of International Christian Schools.They are celebrating 30 years of educating minds all over the world and loving kids and families as Christ would.

Q: How did you first learn of Suriname?
A: Honestly, wouldn't even have known what continent this country was on until NICS connected us. But to my credit...Suriname gained independence in's a newer place!

Q: What intrigued you most about teaching in Suriname?
A: I immediately felt connected to the staff.  They already feel like family and I have not stepped on the South American continent yet! I want to step outside of my comforts...I know it will be challenging at times, but God has given me a peace...what more do I need?!?!?!  I have to admit, I do say "I will miss you" whenever I walk into Wal-Mart and Target now. :)

Q: Was there anything specific that led to you final decision to say yes to teaching in Suriname?
A: God giving me a peace that surpassed my desire to remain in fear and not step out. I have to give kudos to my amazing family and friends who have prayed for me and with me during this transition.  I definitely credit my wise counsel of some friends who helped me greatly. :)

Q: When do you leave for Suriname?
A:I have a tentative arrival date of August 1st but I am waiting on the VISA hoopla to figure itself out so that I can buy my one-way airline ticket.

Q: How long will you be in Suriname?
A: My contract is for 2 years, but we can sign on for more years at the end of our contract.  Who knows...I may want to try a new teaching locale in 2 years....The Lord only knows...

Q: How can family/friends/followers support you in Suriname?
A: PRAYER, PRAYER, PRAYER!!!! I would LOVE to still feel connected with FB/twitter/blog messages! I want to be friends throughout my two years and see updates on your lives as well! Of course, if you want to send care packages that is ok too!! I will post at a later date, when I know my address. :)  Financial gifts can be made at on my behalf as well. Make sure you include my code of 003626.  All of those gifts are tax deductible. Those financial gifts will help me come home for Christmas and Summertime! :)

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