Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Remember Me???

Hello everyone!  How are you guys doing? It's a new year, who knows, I could be better about blogging. It is one of my goals - notice it is NOT a resolution. But, I want others to see what's going on in my life at whatever rate I end up posting updates. So instead of attempting to share specific details of the past few months I am going to give you highlights! 

Fall Festival/Cultures Day. Two amazing events our school put on this semester: fall festival and cultures day.  The fall festival reminded me of when I used to dress up (as Mary - Jesus' mother) and walk from booth to booth playing games for candy. It was a great alternative to trick-or-treating.  ICSL had live music, merchants selling awesome goods, and food from countries represented at in our school.  Students could even put teacher or friends in jail - for a price!  Cultures Day celebrated all the countries that are represented in our school by having students make presentations.  One grade put on a play while others showed the different ways cultures date.  My class did Christmas in their home country (since it was close to the holidays).  My favorite part was the assembly with the parade of flags and singing worship songs simultaneously in three languages.  It gave me chills.  What an amazing experience! It was like a glimpse of heaven!

Thanksgiving. For about 5 days, a group of teachers hid away in the mountains of Peru.  The town was only about an hour away from Lima, but was a perfect get-a-way spot. We had a traditional American feast, played games, and watched Christmas movies. It was a great time of relaxation. Of course, I can't forget about the pool that we were able to lounge in and around!  We traded the parade and Black Friday shopping for sun tans and jumping on a trampoline. :)

Student Shuffle. At the end of the semester, Kianna withdrew from ICSL.  She is a sweet girl with a adorable smile. Not to mention, her manners were top notch.  She will still be in Peru so I hope to run into her at some point.  Jakob is returning to ICSL when our second semester starts. YAY!!! And I got an email that there will be a new student added to my roster - Mateo! The boys will be thrilled to have a new friend!  That makes my student count 14.  Somehow we will squeeze everyone in that tiny space of a classroom!

Perks of Peru.  I was sick with some sort of stomach bacterial infection the last week of school = NO FUN!  I started taking all kinds of Peruvian medicine even parasite medicine. Unfortunately, nothing was working! So, my sweet friend Susan walked with me over to the pharmacy (insert cute Spanish word for pharmacy) and asked for an anti-biotic and I got one! So for $3 my problem was fixed without consulting a doctor!  I haven't decided if this should alarm me or make me feel like I am winning with all the savings and ease!

Seasons Changed.  I finally began to enjoy the summer sun and heat. I got my red Starbucks' holiday cup with my short and t-shirt! THEN I came back to ice and subfreezing temps in the States.  :)  (Thanks for the "warm" welcome 'Merica!)  It is time to head back to the sun (and heat!).  We have a staff retreat with ocean/pool swim breaks! Yes, please!

Like Ripping a Bandaid. It is no lie that I love my family, friends, and comforts of America. I was THRILLED to flush toilet paper and drink from the tap.  It was wonderful to drive around town instead of barter for a ride. It was awesome to not need a translator when ordering at a restaurant because I knew what was in my entrĂ©e.  It was great to go to the store and not have to think "now how much USD is that costing me." It was splendid to taste all the foods I have missed. (side note: I didn't get to enjoy everything but tried my hardest to make a dent!) It was humbling to experience such acts of kindness from family and friends - the gifts, lunch/dinner dates, borrowing vehicles, driving out of your way to see me. I treasure you guys. That is why I have had such a hard time this go around.  Sometimes my worlds seem so mixed up - my heart and head don't match up.  Where I want to be and where I am are different. I hold so many great memories and friendships here.  But I am excited to get back to a world that almost seems more comfortable than my home in America.  I got an email from a student saying how much she missed school and hates that were are out for so long. She constantly tells me that I am the best teacher ever. Now whether that is true or not, it gives me such a sense of purpose in her life.  These kids are my family.  I have learned over the past year that Jesus is the only thing that matters. I can't take much more than 2 bags of belongings with me. Friends and friendships come and go. Money goes entirely too fast. But I have Jesus. And I am learning to embrace that as all I ever need. To know it and to live it is very different.

So as I cross the continents, know I miss you much but I am excited to see how God grows me.

Be in prayer over:
  • safe travels back tomorrow - January 23rd
  • staff retreat/settling back into the grove
  • my new student - Mateo - and the other students as we adjust to school restarting
You are loved,
Megan :)

P.S. I have been scolded over my lack of pictures that I have posted.  So...that is another "goal" :)