Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hop, Skip, and a Jump to Current Tales

Hello! Let me sum up the end of the Suriname adventure, talk about being home home (that's America), and share the excitement I have about starting my life in Lima, Peru.

Suriname Shenanigans. We finished the year strong.  I was impressed with how well my students performed on their achievement testing. It was a nice pat on the back and reinforcement I must have done something right this past year. I have been encouraged to post a new label - Pinterest fail.  I have attempted many projects that haven't worked. For example, the failed Father's Day gifts. The students wrote sweet notes to their dads on a mug. I was supposed to be able to bake the mug so the writing would not come off. Epic fail! Instead, all the dads got mugs they can have love notes rewritten on. Oops! We did a mini-unit on The Wizard of Oz.  It tied in PERFECTLY with the last dress up day.  All students (including me) where the main characters from the story.We did a mini unit on poetry.  I was thrilled with the creativity and sweet things they had to say about each other and their 2nd grade school year.  The last week of school was filled with birthday celebrations, wacky water day, and movie marathon day. During the wacky water day the teachers had a little mud wrestling. It was fun to say the least. 

Packing up was/is never easy.  I have gone from having so much in the States to packing a couple of suitcases (and having a couple of boxes shipped) to packing up two suitcases.  I wouldn't consider myself a hoarder, but I have grown attached to some material objects.  I am a sucker for the sentimental stuff.  BUT with packing comes with the goodbyes.  Whenever you do real life with people, especially other Christians, there is a unique and strong bond among people.  This was a special time in my life where I was surrounded by some people who poured themselves into me daily.  The staff of IAS have become part of my family.  We had a fun trip to Galibi to see sea turtles lay eggs (kinda awkward to watch!), weekly dates to B-fit followed up with a bike ride to McDonald's, game nights galore, and did I mention a PARTY BUS?!?!?!  We have gone through a lot this past year...some unexpected....but God has used this set of individuals to have me draw closer to Him.  We constantly joke about having to build a RAFT (say goodbye) to one another, but it was not the easiest thing I have done.  It is hard to say goodbye to ones you know you won't see again.  I am grateful to modern technology that allows many friends to only be one click away! These students taught me so much about friendship and their hunger to know God was infectious.  They have such teachable spirits. It was a pleasure for me to walk alongside of them during this time in their life.

Stateside Shenanigans. I am living out a suitcase while jumping from house to house. It is stressfully fun. I only have about a month at home which allows limited quality time with friends and family. I feel so blessed and encouraged by all of these friends and family I get to hug and share my life with.  I have enjoyed good food and great company.  And to those who have let me borrow cars or been my personal chauffeur, you are a gem. I appreciate you to the moon and back.  I was able to go to Vegas to be serenaded by Celine Dion. It was a dream come true. I ALMOST cried when the concert started but I kept my composure.  The sights and sounds of the city were a bit overwhelming coming from my frugal way of life.  But it was fun to mark that adventure off of my bucket list.  Trying to get paperwork done in ATL has been a BEAST. All I want to do is get on the plane and get to Lima. But in the midst of the chaos I DEFINITELY see God's handiwork. 

Lima life. Transitioning from Suriname to America to Peru in one month's time is a doozy. It is emotional and SO many decisions have to be made. I have a hard time prioritizing my time and responsibilities when I want to say "yes" to it all. I want to be prepared (with my 4 suitcases) without spending a fortune.  I want to be mentally and professionally prepared, too. I am excited about this new venture God has placed me on.  I am stoked that I have three of my Suriname girls to start our Lima adventure together.  It also has been so encouraging to have my friend, Missy, on the other side.  She has walked through the Lima transition and has given me some insight on my class and classroom.  It only encourages excitement about this new beginning.

While I have FAILED MISERABLY at consistently updating this blog throughout my Suriname travels, I do want to do a better job while I am in Lima, Peru.  I hope you come along for the ride!

Following His lead,
Megan :)

P.S. I already have a hashtag ready for my Lima adventures: #Limalife  Get excited all you hashtag haters. :)

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