Friday, April 18, 2014


Before all the "let's pass out, ER visit, stitches, concussion ramifications" came about it was time for a scheduled blog update. But now all the head trauma has superseded any other details of my life I was going to share.  Can I blame the concussion for plaguing me with loss of memory? Don't tell me the answer...I am going to go with YES.

Like a show that teases the big, cliff-hanging moment until the last few moments of the show, I am going to make you wait to hear all the juicy details for a few more thoughts...

My kids are doing well! Spiritual Emphasis Week was a great time. They learned new songs, heard the Truth, and ran around like little kids like to do.  One of my students is learning all this Jesus stuff for the first time.  The other day he said he didn't love Jesus. All the kids gasped and turned to me to see what my expression/response was going to be.  I was choosing to listen to the student instead of force any thoughts/beliefs.  He went on to say, "I like Jesus. I just don't love Him."  I found that moment quite encouraging. I want my students to experience Christ not feelings. I don't want them to be wrapped up in the Christian bubble around them that they miss out on personally knowing Christ.  Our relationship with Christ is has to be more than emotion. Can you imagine if our friendships were like that? What a rollercoaster! So...continue to pray with me that my students would grow in their knowledge of who Christ is so that they may want to have a relationship with him.

ICSL showcased a variety of talents at the school's Talent Show.  It was awesome to see shy students bust out of their shell to see their gifts.  It was great to actually watch and not feel the need to perform for once.  In other school news, we are looking at a piece of property to move the school to.  It would require building which requires MONEY, but God is working some details out. Pray for God's guidance and sensitivity to His leading through all decisions (big and small) that have to be made.

Last time I mentioned the church debacle I was feeling. I have decided to attend La Cuidad.  I am excited to see my Lima community in a new way.  There are many opportunities to serve -  it will be matter of what is the Lord telling me to do. :)

Now...the headlining story... I have changed to color to blue to show the details my roommates shared with me.
Last Sunday (the 30th), I woke up feeling nauseous and hugged the toilet much of the morning. By the afternoon I was feeling feverish and into the evening with chills/aches. My roomies and I were watching Harry Potter (we are working through the series!) when I went upstairs to get Tylenol for my pain.  All I remember is looking at the pill bottle to see how many mg were each capsule. I tried to grab the sink (I think) but I passed out. I thought I hit the door with my head but apparently I hit the wood floor. In my roommates' version they heard me say "Oh no" and then heard me fall.  When they got to me,  my eyes were open and I was shaking.  They went into medical mode. When I came to, I was having difficulty breathing and sweating like none other. My head kind of hurt but I didn't know why.  I remember there was yelling (due to the intensity of the situation). From there I don't remember much until I got an IV at the hospital.  Mrs. Havill picked me up and took me the hospital.  My head was in Gabi's lap and she wanted to sing a song. I just kept telling her it had too many verses in it.  I guess they were trying to keep me lucid.  Our school nurse/good friend, Lindsey, met us at the hospital. The roommates said I was pale, blue-lipped because of the lack of water in my body.  After the IV I was getting color back. I had a CT scan and I remember seeing blood all over my pillow. I thought, something is not right here.  Thankfully the scan came back normal.  When I got back to the room, they took blood to check for a parasite and gave me a tetanus shot. They asked me the last time I had a tetanus shot. I couldn't remember but I couldn't even remember what day it was!  All I could remember was that one time in college we went snipe hunting and I was wondering then when was the last time I had had a tetanus shot after falling over a barbed wire fence.  Anyway...they started cleaning my head up and gave me 5 stitches for my 4cm cut. I held real tight to Missy's hand as Linds made sure all the medical precautions were taken. Missy definitely got a picture/video, but I have yet to see it. I think we are waiting till this event is past us to look back with fond memories.  After being stitched up, I went home and got to bed about 2am.

The next few days, I was at home resting.  I had some minor dizziness, but nothing too crippling. I no longer felt flu-like.  I was ready to go to work. I returned on Thursday to the chaos.  While it was a warm welcome, it was chaotic. I had to figure out what had happened while I was gone and not to mention wrap up the end of the quarter.  It was insane.  I came to work Friday EXHAUSTED.  I wanted to cry. I was barely functioning.  I may have slept the night before but I didn't feel rested.  Honestly, I am still fighting that battle. I may get 7-8 hours of sleep at night but I don't feel rested when I wake up. I just want to sleep more.  I miss my everyday activities.  It is extremely frustrating.  I feel like I can control this or I should be able to do this, but I can't. I went back this past Sunday to get my stitches taken out and he wanted a couple more days. Of course I want my brain to get the rest and healing it needs, but I don't want to be considered lazy or make excuses for myself either.

Fast forward a few more days and I FINALLY got the stitches out!  After waiting a little over an hour the whole scenario cost 4.60s (so a little over a $1) to get them out. The big shenanigan cost a lot more than that but I am grateful for insurance!  I am beyond grateful for all of the care and concern I have encountered the past few weeks.

Next post: the spring break staycation.  I can't believe we only have 37 school days left.  I am not sure where this year has gone.

Have a fabulous week!
Megan :)

Prayer requests:
*Please continue to pray for guidance as funding/building sites and permits for the new building will be provided
* Pray for La Cuidad. We are moving to a new location for Easter Sunday.  We will be meeting in a theater.  Details for the children's ministry are still being worked out.