Saturday, March 15, 2014

"Jesus Didn't Have Scissors"

Hey Hey!  I am enjoying the sun's bright light on this hot, summer day.  How about y'all? Apparently "fall" starts next week.  I have mixed emotions about the cooler temps - no more sweaty hugs but playing freeze out isn't fun either.  Bygones.... Here is a glimpse into my world recently...

La Ciudad.  This week I attended a meeting about becoming a partner in this church plant.  The heart of the church is to be a "place" where believers meet to worship and serve Christ along with one another and the city. The name of the church actually translates to The City.  While some personal preferences don't match up, I remind myself that worship isn't really about me is it?  I am still praying about joining the team, but it is exciting to be a part of something small and watch what God can do with it. A verse on my mirror that I keep reciting to myself in MANY circumstances I encounter is Ephesians 3:20, "God is able through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Blow me away, Jesus.

Talent Show Judge.  I put on my Mariah Carey/Paul Abdul/JLo hat to judge different acts for our school's upcoming talent show. It was great to witness all the talents that our kids have.  I definitely heard a couple "Frozen" songs - some movies/trends cross cultural barriers.  A little kindergartner definitely whipped his violin out. His look alone had to give him a cute point! :)  Teachers can enter acts into the show. It was SO MUCH fun last year in Suriname and being backup singers for our P-Dawg at Hasty, so I might have to work something up. The stage is my home away from home - kinda.

Burrito Bar. We had a guest this week in Lima.  Missy's boyfriend, Josh, came down from the States and brought GIRL SCOUT cookies! I might have to steal a roll when Miss isn't looking.  Anyway, it was fun to show him the city that has become home for us.  We went to the Burrito Bar - DELICIOUS. It is like Moe's of Peru.  I mean you don't have the forced, friendly greeting that Moe's offers up when you enter through the door, but the food is amazing and CHEAP!  With full bellies and Starbucks in our hands, we walked down to a bridge that overlooks the ocean.  We went all the way down to the ocean when we had the Amazing Race  (at the start of the school year). But we decided to enjoy the view from the bridge this time because those stairs are worse than a stairmaster. You can't help but be winded just by looking at them! Gab and I were soaking up the fact that this beauty is in our backyard.  What a creative God! It takes on a different tune to the Hillsong song "Oceans" when you are staring at it.

SEW. This upcoming week we are our Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) with the whole school.  One of my student's dad's is sharing the Word - Wes Yoakum. Pray for him as he shares with various audiences on various topics that God's Word would be shared and understood in a clear way. My kids really enjoy Bible time and hearing "stories."  I just pray they take it from stories in a cool book to a love story that God wrote for them. I have some tender hearts and I know other teachers do, too.  Pray for God to work in a way that only be recognized as His handiwork.

Kid's Quotes.  They really do say the darnedest things, don't they?  Here are few cute quotes.  (I know it would be 10x better if you HEARD them say it or even if you KNEW them, but for now this will have to suffice.)

Sarah to me: "Yeah, I wake up every morning and say ' I'm beautiful' "(while she flips her hair). This girl is a hoot!

Bryce to Donna: "You know Jesus had long hair because he didn't have scissors back then."
Jakob overhears said conversation and puts in his two cents: "No, it's because back then having long hair was a mark of being baptized." (I don't know the history or theology on that yet...any insights?)

Lucas to Oliver: "If Jesus was in our class, all of our clips would be moved to red (severely bad behavior) and his clip would go to orange (super great behavior) every day."  Something tells him his idea of Jesus' perfect life and our sinfulness is something Lucas grasps.

I love this group of kids. They have my heart.

Have a great week!
You are loved,

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 28th: Time for Fall

Hello there!!!  Friday marked a darker day in Lima. The sun starts playing hide-n-seek until about November.  ????? maybe those aren't the EXACT dates, but we won't be seeing the sun and all it's heated glory as often as we did in early February. I know my freezing family members and friends in the US have been a bit envious of the sun's rays I have experienced while they are playing freeze out, but I am a bit ready for cooler (NOT cold) temperatures. I am sure I have no pity. :)  Life in Lima has been pretty good!  Here are some of the highlights of the last couple of weeks:

  • Hello, My name is Dohyeok.  Dohyeok is my new student. He is from Korea.  He knows little English and is learning school manners.  He makes constant noise and has smile that can melt this teacher's heart.  I think it is safe to say he is making progress with the routine.  I hope he absorbs so much - so much GOOD.  At first I was having "oh no he did not" moments, but I am praying for an understanding and nurturing heart as Dohyeok and I try to figure one another out.  The class is extending an olive branch of help and friendship. The boys are stoked to have another one of them.  If you are keeping track, that makes 15. We make it work. :)
  • Church Update.  I attended La Ciudad Lima this morning. It is a church plant that was started by my student's family.  The service is in English and translated to Spanish. However, the worship (singing) is done as a mix of English and Spanish within one song. It was pretty cool! Right now they are meeting once a month, but plan on going weekly starting April 6th.  The church meets in a hotel building (El Polo) which is across from the large and in charge US Embassy.  (Side note - I thought the hotel was El Pollo which would be the chicken. I can confirm it is not El Pollo). La Ciudad has solid Bible-believing teaching and friendly people. It would be easy to get plugged in. I am still seeking the Lord on where I should attend. No church will ever be like the ones I was lucky to attend in the States, but new isn't always bad. It is just sometimes not enjoyable to be stretched.
  • Happy Hands Club.  Tressa (our high school science and math teacher) and I teach Sign Language to K-2 students on Monday afternoons. Teachers are required to do one club a year - either first or second semester. Tressa and I are tackling this project together. I have been super impressed at how sponge-like these kids have been. They are picking stuff up pretty fast! Coolest part: we taught them John 3:16 last week. Not only are they repeatedly speaking/translating the verse, but they are sharing the Word with their family members and friends. Praying God's Word soaks in everyone's minds and hearts. :)
  • Oh Kids. While teaching some of God’s commands from Exodus 20 (the 10 commandments) why is that the children always get stuck on the number 7 – being faithful to your mate? It is kinda awkward to try to explain to delicate ears, in a way that they would understand, without raising more questions than needed. I need to start writing on down all the cute/awkward/funny things they say. I am sure I could write a book!
  • Tour Guide. I am having my first visitors to Peru.  They bought their tickets! I get to be tour guide to Nikki (and her friend) in May.  It will be exciting to show off my city/world to them. Not to mention the American treasures they can pack in their suitcases for me!
Prayer Requests:
*Pray for Dohyeok as he transitions to a new school/language/friendships. I can only imagine how overwhelming it would be!
*Pray for me as I continue to seek after where the Lord would have me attend church. Give me a desire to keep pursuing that community even when I am tired from the work of a "missionary."  I don't want to forget the reason I am here. I want to be fed the Word in order to minister to others.

Until we "meet" again - Happy trails to you!
Later gator,